I wanna be a Programmer / Code / Designer, with an awesome webpage!

Step 1: Start learn coding (from Zero to Masterchief)

Step 2 (one week later): start to code a awesome CMS (cause it’s so easy and no cms cover’s what i need)

Step 3 (3 month’s later): switch to wordpress (cause code an awesome motherfucking CMS is not sooooo easy)

Step 4 (10 minutes later): start to code a awesome WordPressplugin that never exists before (cause it’s so easy)

Step 5 (1 Week later): ok, there are three plugins covering everything i need.

Step 6 (2 Minutes later): Paradigm Shift, now i will be an awesome Designer. Start to learn design,…
…, NO, Start to learn Photoshop.

Step 7 (1 Month later): AAAARRRRRGGGGGHHHH

Step 8 (5 Minute’s later): There are some beautiful free designs as PSD, for free, on „motherfuckingtorrentpage.down“

Step 9 (2 Minutes later): Paradigm Shift, Learn HTML.

Step 10 (1 Month later): Fuck the Fucking fuck.
Delete WordPress, reinstall WordPress, reinstall 3 Plugins, install the monthly free WordPress-theme from Themeforest. Copy content from some awesome Coders all over the world. Replace the word „great“ with awesome. Spam Facebook with my new domain.

Now, i am a Programmer / Code / Designer with an awesome webpage!

Step 11 (1 year after Step 1): No money to pay domain and hosting AARRGGHH. U think: „No one can Pay your awesome knowledge“.

Step 12 (1 week later): Nothing to do, Sort out Spelling-errors in this Post

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But, it will became readable code